
The Christian Hiphop sensation Bizzle has over the years shown how unafraid he is of the gospel. This time after awhile he serves us another track call; Bamboozled taken from Revelation 2:9.




And sympathy as a weapon (I’m just like you)
I see the dots start connectin’
And these fake Jews call Ye anti-semitic
History of oppression, you can’t disagree with ’em
Sympathy as a weapon, if you do you’re mistreatin’ ’em
They rip a black billionaire in front of your face
To say no matter how rich you get stay in your place, nigga!
Promote sex, drugs, murder on the daily
You can kill babies
You can say a man got pregnant by a lady (really?)
The things that you can’t say
Don’t make you question why what you can is gravy?
“I’ma kill a nigga”
“I’ma kill a Jew”
One of those are wrong, one of those are cool
One of those will get a rich black man canceled
The other will put a new Grammy on his mantel
But what do I know, I’m just a Christian rapper
Black entrepreneur, black father, active
Black husband rappin’ like you care about a black life
Black Philanthropist, water to Africa and to Flint
Black man of God
With a catalog
Your children can rap along
Within the car withcha
And it’s hard (whatchu sayin’)
I ain’t sayin’ this so y’all support me
I’m just tryin’ show you what y’all been calling corny
People remember the narrative is imperative
What other reason would you slip on Jesus and choose Barabbas
We still choosing the killers over the healers, huh? (huh)
We still following whatever leaders they give us, huh? (huh)
Look at the ones with the most influence
They won’t go against the grain
They’re paid to make the grain look doper to us
I digress y’all
I just be over here corny
Watching all the cool rappers put a dress on (I’m petty)
I just want you to take a look at the industry (look close)
Hollywood and music, look at the symmetry
Look at what they push
Look at what they claim to be about
Look at how anybody in disagreement get weeded out
Think about what you and them agree about
Abortion and same sex and one result they both bring about (death)
But God is life so the plan is: murder your seed or make sure it don’t get planted (where’s the lie)
Y’all remember God made a promise to Abraham to multiply his seed
Now look at Satan’s plan
He got us brain washed so bad
We march for the right to do it to ourselves (look ma no hands)
But you don’t think the devil’s real so you can’t see it
So, you’ll never understand why they hate Jesus (nope)
Just be aware of wickedness in high places
Claimin’ they Jews but they the synagogue of Satan (Bizzle)

I was on the plane the other day and I’m watching this movie called “Ocean’s Eight” and these ladies they were pulling of this bank heist. And halfway through the movie I realize, I’m rooting for the bank robbers. They’re, they’re the bad guys but that’s who side I’m on in this thing. I want them to get away. And I ask myself. How is the Christian going for the bad guy in the movie? And I know you be like “oh but it’s just a movie, ehhh” but I never watched an episode of SVU and was hopin’ the pedophile got off. So, what’s the difference? Why is it when I watch “Bad Boys” I’m going for the cops? When I watch Takers, I’m going for the robbers? Then it hit me, the director is able to present this thing in such a way that he can control which side I fall on. So, my question to you is; If this director can do this with his finite brain, how much more do you think Satan is able to do? If he controls the people who control the narrative. Y’all better get in that Word. CNN might say one thing, Fox might say another thing, but the Word of God remains the same. (Yah!)
